happy dog with sun glasses

With temperatures rising it is important to keep a close eye on our pets, as, just like us they can suffer from the heat, not just because of all their shiny fur but also their inability to sweat easily.

Dogs mainly sweat through panting, and to a limited extent, through their paws. Cats sweat mostly through their paws. Just like us, dogs can also lose their appetite when the weather is particularly hot. It is completely normal for the occasional meal to be missed during hotter days.

1. Avoid Assumption

The key to dealing with heat with regards to your dog is never to think they will be able to just solely judge whether it is too hot for themselves. Don’t rely on your dog to be sensible as if there is a choice between being with you in the hot sun or being on the cool kitchen tiles without you, they will opt for being with you.

2. Exercise Them At Appropriate Times

Avoid exercising your dog during the hottest times of day, 10am – 4pm. Exercise your dog earlier in the morning and later at night. Be aware of heat exhaustion and reconsider strenuous exercise on hot days.

3. Check The Pavement Isn't Too

Pavements and asphalt heat up in no time. To check if the pavement is too hot, put the back of your hand on the ground and see how long you can keep it there before it’s uncomfortable. If it is uncomfy within 5 seconds and you wish to lift your hand then avoid pavements and keep to grass as it will be too hot for paws.

4. Watch For Signals

You might like to sunbathe, as do most pets however it certainly isn’t the safest place to be for your pet. If your dog is panting, dribbling, and increasingly ‘grinning’, it’s time to move him or her to a cooler spot or indoors.

Remember dogs can also get sunburned, especially on those glorious wet noses!

A great idea is setting up a paddling pool in the shade. If your dog takes to it, it can be a lovely way for them to cool down.

5. Keep Them Hydrated

Make sure your pets always have access to fresh water and keep them well hydrated. If you are all going out, make sure you carry some water for them.

6. Keep Them Out Of Cars, Conservatories & Greenhouses

Never leave your dog in cars, conservatories or greenhouses! Please don’t, this is how dogs die extremely quickly as temperatures can soar to deadly heights for a dog within minutes, even in the shade, even with the windows open!
Keep them in a cool area of the home, even if you are just popping out to the shops.

If you are travelling, make sure your air conditioning works and that you have some way of blocking the sun out. Don’t leave them in the car.

7. Try Swimming

Swimming is a lovely exercise for dogs in the heat. It's good for the joints and is better than running through fields with tall grass and pollen flying all over the place.

8. Give Access Cool Spaces

Make sure your pets have access to a cool place in the house such as a tiled floor, a room which is naturally cooler than the rest of the house or get an aircon and keep windows shut during the day. If you have none of these options perhaps consider getting a cooling mat.
Pets who struggle overall with breathing such as certain bull breeds such as bulldogs and small dogs such as pugs and cats similar to Persians really suffer in the heat so take extra special care with them.