The Power Of Pumpkin

Benefits of pumpkin: the super squash

There’s so much more to pumpkins than their doorstep status at Halloween! So, we’re giving pumpkin its long overdue time to shine by showcasing just how much natural superpower this super squash truly has.

Pumpkin is one of over 100 types of squash. It’s distinctive shape and variety of colours (green, yellow, red, white, blue and tan), make it instantly recognisable compared to its lesser-known cousins (the pattypan or crookneck squashes for example).

Pumpkin is one of our carefully selected, biologically appropriate ingredients here at Nutriment. We double grind our pumpkin (and other raw veg ingredients) to make sure the nutrients are more readily available. You’ll find pumpkin in a variety of Nutriment Raw recipes, such as all of our core range, Liver Support, Lamb Dinner for Dogs, and more. Why? Read on to find out!

Macronutrients in pumpkin

Pumpkin flesh and seeds are both packed with nutrients that support many elements of health for dogs:

  • Vitamin A for supporting eye health, bone growth, reproduction, and immune health
  • Vitamin C for healthy skin and bones through the production of collage, helping prevent bladder stones, and supporting immune health
  • Vitamin E for supporting dogs’ bodies in their ability to neutralise free radicals (the cause of oxidative stress)
  • Potassium for regulating blood pressure, improving muscle health and assisting a dog’s metabolism
  • Omega-3 for supporting skin and coat health, heart health and brain function
  • Lycopene (a powerful antioxidant) fighting cancer cells, supporting in skin and coat health, and promoting eye health
  • Fibre for supporting the digestive system and healthy bowel movements

Pumpkin seeds as a natural dewormer

Pumpkin seeds are also commonly used as a natural way to treat worms. Pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitacin, an amino acid which paralyses the worms and makes elimination possible. Whilst there isn’t a hard and fast rule about how much pumpkin seed is required to treat worms, it is generally recommended to feed around ¼ of ground pumpkin seeds per 5kg bodyweight. You can grind them in a spice grinder or blender to enable effective digestion.


Pumpkin for digestive upset

Pumpkin is a great option to helping to soothe an upset stomach after a bout if diarrhoea or sickness. Pumpkin helps to remove water from a dog’s digestive tract to prevent overly loose stools by adding a bit of bulk. Pumpkin is also a great source of prebiotics, which supports the presence of healthy bacteria to keep digestive health at its best (particularly important after illness).

Feeding your dog pumpkin

  • You can chop up and steam pumpkin and then stuff into a treat dispensing toy such as a Kong, for an easy yet highly nutritious treat to keep your pup busy, or check out our 3 super easy recipes for leftovers from pumpkin carving this Halloween!
  • Do not feed your dog the skin or the stalk of a pumpkin. Both are hard to digest and can cause a choking hazard.
  • Avoid any pumpkin products (that may contain additives and additional non-BARF ingredients). Stick to pure, natural pumpkin.

Share your pumpkin pics with us on our socials, by tagging us @NutrimentRaw!

Explore some of our recipes that contain pumpkin: