Together we care - Be part of our charity story!

Fill your darling's bowl to fill a rescue's bowl.

Be part of our charity story!

For every 10kg of Nutriment purchase in November 2023, we will be donating a Nutriment meal to charities such as Animal Rescue Cumbria.

The crisis

According to government statistics, an estimated 250,000 animals go to rescue centres every year. Rescue centres often rely on charitable donations and public funded schemes in order to operate. Not only do these centres need to feed, shelter, care for, and provide healthcare for these animals, but they also need to fund their physical operational costs. In addition, the Covid ‘pupdemic’ has also had dire consequences on the number of dogs who have been given up to rescue homes. PETA estimates that 100,000 dogs are homeless across the UK.

These statistics are truly heartbreaking. But together, we can make a difference because we together we care. \n This November, every 10kg of Nutriment Raw food purchased for your little darlings will mean a little rescue will receive a healthy, balanced and nutritious raw meal from us.

Order online, or purchase through one of our stockists. \n \n The cause \n Our main charity partner at the heart of our Together We Care campaign is the incredible Animal Rescue Cumbria, a well-established rescue centre who have been working tirelessly to rescue and rehome cats and dogs for over 50 years.

With your support, together we’ll be helping animals like Rupert, Sooty, Morris and Rodney. Read their stories below… 



Rodney was just a puppy when he was abandoned and arrived at ARC as a stray.  Although he was in reasonable condition for a stray, poor Rodney had very itchy skin and troublesome ears, which added to the stress of being abandoned.

Nutriment is ARC’s go-to food when it comes to residents with possible allergies. After a short time on Nutriment, Rodney’s ears were no longer a problem, and his skin became much less itchy. Rodney is now a much happier boy and is ready for re-homing.



Toffee sadly had a very bad start in life and arrived at ARC painfully thin and malnourished. She was refusing food but was swayed when given the highly nutritious and tasty Nutriment Raw.  but we managed to persuade her with Nutriment.

Little Toffee made great progress on Nutriment, and quickly became the happy, healthy dog she was meant to be and soon found her forever home.



Morris – the ARC comedian - arrived at the shelter earlier this year, very underweight and unhappy. With an inoperable broken jaw, eating was uncomfortable and very difficult. Morris was unable to chew dry food and struggled to keep wet food in his mouth. This resulted in extreme weight loss and a general decrease in vitality.

Nutriment Raw food held the right consistency that meant Morris could hold it in his mouth and swallow easily, meaning he quickly started to receive first class nutrition and soon developed a healthy appetite.

We fed Morris with Nutriment which had the advantage of being the right consistency to retain in his mouth and swallow easily, as well as getting him the quality nutrition he had been lacking.

Thanks to the benefits of his Nutriment diet, this funny, friendly boy quickly moved on to his forever home.



Rupert was under-weight and ‘shut down’ when we first arrived at ARC. He suffered from digestive issues and struggled to maintain a healthy weight. Following many tests and investigations into the cause of his poor health, vets were unable to identify the problem and they recommended he be put to sleep. Having just been accepted into the Nutriment Charity Donation Scheme, the ARC team decided to try Rupert on a Nutriment Raw diet, which had incredible results. Rupert started to thoroughly enjoy his food due to its high palatability, his output improved significantly, he began to gain weight and generally became a happier and healthier cat. Once his health became stable, Rupert found his forever home and now enjoys an active and loving Nutriment-fuelled life.

The campaign

In our 10-year history, we’ve already donated 60,000 meals to rescue centres through charity campaigns like Together We Care <3. There are literally thousands of rescue animals that are forever grateful for the support that we’ve all managed to give them.

Want to be part of our charity story? Taking part is easy!

Simply order your Nutriment Raw food online or via one of our stockists throughout the month of November, and for every 10kg purchased, we’ll donate a meal.

No additional costs, no catches, just happy and healthy tummies for the Ruperts, Toffees, Morris’ and Rodneys of the rescue world!

You buy. We donate. Together we care <3. #TogetherWeCare #NutrimentRaw