Hypoallergenic Cat Food
Try Nutriment’s range of hypoallergenic cat food, which is ideal for cats who suffer from allergies and intolerances. Featuring carefully selected, biologically appropriate ingredients, including 100% human-grade quality raw meat, our hypoallergenic cat food is a natural raw feeding solution for optimal health and well-being.
Our absolute main priority is animal health and happiness. For that reason, our team is dedicated to formulating recipes to support your cat’s nutrition and enable them to live long and active lives. Cats can suffer from allergies in the same way humans can, with uncomfortable and irritable symptoms, which can develop into more serious health issues.

Try hypoallergenic raw meals for your cat
If your cat suffers from food intolerances or allergies, consider trying hypoallergenic raw meals from Nutriment. Our specially formulated cat food is designed to be gentle on sensitive stomachs and is free from common allergens such as grains, dairy, and artificial additives.
Commercially available, processed cat foods often contain biologically inappropriate ingredients, such as grains and artificial additives for use as fillers and preservatives. However, cats are not designed to be able to easily digest these types of ingredients, and they can cause unwanted side effects.
Instead, our hypoallergenic cat food range contains only high-quality, natural, raw ingredients made with simple processes to support your cat’s health and nutrition whilst minimising the risk of allergic reactions. Our recipes are suitable for all sizes and ages of cat, both neutered and in-kitten, indoor and outdoor.
Understanding what hypoallergenic means
The common term ‘hypoallergenic’ refers to a product being much less likely to cause or exacerbate allergic symptoms. This means that our hypoallergenic options are formulated with ingredients that are less likely to trigger allergic reactions, making them ideal for cats with sensitivities.
It is important to be aware of the symptoms that food allergies cause, as this allows you to react and change your cat’s diet to a formula that is much more suitable for your cat’s needs. By choosing hypoallergenic food, you can help alleviate discomfort and ensure that your cat is getting the nutrition he or she needs without any adverse reactions. However, you should always speak to your veterinarian before changing your cat’s diet.
Symptoms of food allergies
Food allergies and intolerances can be common in cats, who can be allergic to certain grains, food additives, preservatives, dyes, flavourings, and some types of meat. When speaking of meat, beef and chicken intolerances are most prevalent. Other food items include dairy products and nuts.
If your cat is allergic to any of these foods, he or she might experience uncomfortable symptoms, including:
- Rash
- Skin itchiness
- Flaky dry skin
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Wheezing
- Fur loss
- Digestive issues
If your cat is allergic, you should be aware that food labels sometimes refer to ‘novel’ proteins as being hypoallergenic. This simply means that cats usually have not eaten it before and therefore have not developed common intolerances.
Why is Hypoallergenic Cat Food Important?
Improves quality of life
To ensure the comfort of your cat, make sure you are aware of common behaviours that might indicate an allergy. These may include excessive scratching in one location, chewing legs or paws, development of sores, raised bumps, rashes, loss of fur, runny eyes or noses, loss of energy or behavioural changes.
Keeping your cat on a hypoallergenic raw diet – including raw hypoallergenic cat food and raw cat treats – can improve your cat’s comfort and overall quality of life.
Supports skin and coat health
Many allergies can affect your cat's fur as well as their skin. For owners, this can mean frequently cleaning up masses of shed hair and dander. Switching to a food that is free from allergens will drastically reduce the risk of excessive loss of hair or rashes on the skin.
Boosts energy and stamina
Just like humans, when cats do not feel very well, they are less likely to want to engage in any kind of physical activity. In some cases, your cat might even become aggressive or withdrawn. Avoiding ingredients which your cat is allergic or intolerant to will enable them to feel healthy and well, so that they can enjoy their day-to-day lifestyle.
When your cat is fed hypoallergenic ingredients, the body digests them much more easily and effectively, leading to an increase in energy and stamina levels. This results in healthy activity levels, which encourages strong bones and muscles.
Helps prevent further serious illness
Health problems which can develop from allergies can range from mild to severe and in the worst cases, can even reduce an animal's overall lifespan, especially when left untreated.
The use of hypoallergenic cat food can contribute to the relief of allergies and intolerances, which reduces the risk of developing further health issues. The more natural, raw ingredients your cat consumes, free from allergy-causing additives, the less their allergic symptoms will affect their health.
Explore our other ranges of cat food and treats
Besides hypoallergenic cat food, we also offer a wide range of cat food and treats to cater to the diverse needs of our feline friends. Among our specialised diets designed to target specific health concerns in cats, we also have raw food for cats with sensitive stomachs. This is formulated to aid cats with digestive issues, providing a gentle and easily digestible option for sensitive tummies. You can also get low-fat cat food or a diet that targets your cat’s dental health.
Additionally, our raw cat treats are the perfect complement to a raw diet as it is free from harmful additives and preservatives. With our range of products, you can ensure that your cat gets natural ingredients with the nutrition they need to thrive and stay healthy. Explore our other ranges of cat food and treats today to find the perfect options for your furry companion.